Eleven High Schools in the Midwest Participated in Euro Challenge 2014

Eleven high schools from Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin participated in the 2014 Euro Challenge.

GlobalFest 2014

GlobalFest is an annual event that celebrates world languages and cultures, and encourages middle and high school students to make connections with the global society.

U-46 Teacher Travels the Globe to Enhance Her Lessons

Elgin Area School District teacher Chris LaRue spent two weeks in Turkey in 2013, a trip that was almost entirely funded by the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

EU Centers of Excellence Education Trip to Belgium

Read two teachers' experiences during the 2013 EU Centers of Excellence Education Trip to Belgium.

TED Helps European and American Educators Connect

The Transatlantic Educators Dialogue (TED), held from February through May, gives American and European educators an opportunity to meet virtually to discuss educational issues.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Letitia Zwickert Talks TED on EdWeek Blog

By Cassia Smith

EUC Affiliate Teacher Letitia Zwickert, K-12 educator and Fulbright-Schuman recipient, has written a guest post on being an engaged educator for the Education Week blog. In it, she mentions the European Union Center's Transatlantic Educators Dialog (TED) program, along with other resources. If you're looking for ideas for your classroom, this is a brief article packed with helpful strategies.

If you want to continue exploring this topic, you can follow both Letitia and the EUC on Twitter. There are also more K-12 resources on the EUC website.

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