Eleven High Schools in the Midwest Participated in Euro Challenge 2014

Eleven high schools from Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin participated in the 2014 Euro Challenge.

GlobalFest 2014

GlobalFest is an annual event that celebrates world languages and cultures, and encourages middle and high school students to make connections with the global society.

U-46 Teacher Travels the Globe to Enhance Her Lessons

Elgin Area School District teacher Chris LaRue spent two weeks in Turkey in 2013, a trip that was almost entirely funded by the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

EU Centers of Excellence Education Trip to Belgium

Read two teachers' experiences during the 2013 EU Centers of Excellence Education Trip to Belgium.

TED Helps European and American Educators Connect

The Transatlantic Educators Dialogue (TED), held from February through May, gives American and European educators an opportunity to meet virtually to discuss educational issues.

Monday, July 1, 2013

2013 Summer Curriculum Development Workshop

The Timeless MEDITERRANEAN and the New European Union: Transnational Spaces and Integration

Monday, June 10 - Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The University of Illinois and The European Union Center (EUC) invites K-12 and community college educators to take part in this workshop to develop a more effective curriculum on the Mediterranean and Europe. These materials may be incorporated into a variety of courses, such as foreign language, world geography, world cultures, world/US history, politics, economics, and business. While all K-16 teachers are welcome, the curriculum materials are geared mainly towards high school and community college education. The workshop will feature presentations from University of Illinois faculty and other specialists.

Pertinent Info

  • Application Deadline: May 6,2013
  • On-line registration
  • Cost: $150
    Please make checks payable to "University of Illinois." Send your checks to:
    European Union Center
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    328 International Studies Building, MC-429
    910 S. Fifth Street
    Champaign, IL 61820
  • Travel Grants: Travel grants up to $150 are available.
  • Credit: CPDUs (for Illinois teachers), University of Illinois CEUs for non-Illinois teachers, and University of Illinois graduate credits are available, please contact Sebnem Ozkan at asozkan@illinois.edu, 217-244-0570 for further information.
  • Housing: Housing will be provided. We reserved your rooms for 2 nights from June 10 (check-in) to June 12 (check-out).
  • Meals:Breakfast is available at the hotel and the EU Center will provide most meals.
  • Parking: available
  • Contact: For more information contact Sebnem Ozkan asozkan@illinois.edu, 217-244-0570.
  • Funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant.


Monday, June 10

Workshop location:
Illini Union Room 211
1401 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Registration & Keynote
Keynote Address: The Politics of Time and Space: The European Union and the Mediterranean (presentation)
Jean-Philippe Mathy (Professor of French, Comparative Literature, and Criticism & Interpretive Theory, U. of Illinois)
Tuesday, June 11
The “Idea” of Mediterranean: History, Culture, Language, Music, Networks
9:15 am
9:30 - 10:45 am
The “Idea” of Mediterranean – via Skype
Manuel Rota, Assist. Professor of Italian and History, U. of Illinois
10:45 - 11:00 am
Break (coffee, tea, and light refreshments provided)
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Mediterranean Networks of Civil Society Organizations (presentation (.pdf))

Kostas Kourtikakis, Lecturer of Political Science, U. of Illinois
Background reading
12:30 - 2:00 pm
Lunch break
2:00 - 3:30 pm
Tourism in the Mediterranean (presentation(.pptx))

Carla Santos, Associate Professor of Recreation, Sport and Tourism, U. of Illinois
Background reading 1
Background reading 2
Background reading 3
3:30 - 3:45 pm
Break – coffee, tea, and light refreshments provided
3:45 - 6:00 pm
Languages of the Mediterranean
(Eda Derhemi's presentation(.pptx) & text(.docx)) (Zsuzsana Faygal's presentation(.pdf) & handout(.pdf)) (Marina Terkourafi's presentation(.pptx))
Eda Derhemi, Adjunct Assist. Professor of Media and Cinema Studies, Lecturer in Italian Program, U. of Illinois; Zsuzsana Fagyal, Assoc. Professor of French, Linguistics, U. of Illinois; Marina Terkourafi, Assoc. Professor of Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education, U. of Illinois
Wednesday, June 12
Mediterranean Interactions: Tourism, social movements, and the “other” in the Mediterranean
9:15 am
9:30 - 10:45 am
Blue Eyed Black Boy, Balkan Beat Box and the Sounds of the Arab Spring (presentation(.pptx))
Angela Williams, Assoc. Director of the Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, U. of Illinois
10:45 - 11:00 am
Break (coffee, tea, and light refreshments provided)
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
African immigrants in the EU
Alma Gottlieb, Professor of Anthropology, African Studies, Global Studies, and Gender and Women's Studies, U. of Illinois
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Lunch break
1:30 - 2:45 pm
Contemporary Islamic Movements in the Mediterranean
Valerie Hoffman, Professor of Religion, Director of the Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, U. of Illinois
2:45 - 3:00 pm
Break (coffee, tea, and light refreshments provided)
3:00 - 4:15 pm
The European Debt Crisis: Lessons from the Greek Experience (presentation(.pptx))
Elisabeth Oltheten, Assistant Professor Finance, U. of Illinois
4:15 - 4:30 pm
4:30 - 5:30 pm

The workshop is approved for 15 CPDUs and 1.5 CEUs.

Downloadable Campus Maps

Detailed campus maps for download

Local Entertainment and Restaurants

Previous Summer Curriculum Development Workshops:
2012 Workshop: "Food & Energy Security and Sustainability"
2011 Workshop: "Immigration and European Integration"
2010 Workshop: "Islam in Europe"
2009 Workshop: "How Does the European Union Work?"


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